Ladder's in the van...
Phone is playing up at the mo so I can't make calls / receive calls / take photos / video without it restarting. Google supposed to send me replacement but been 10 days so no pics for now : (
Description: very empty, surprisingly clean, pine floors throughout, white walls throughout, no furniture. It has cat food, a sooty cat and some trainers that I probably need to burn they smell so bad. They smell like asparagus pee. I've wrapped them in bin liners and tape for now :/
Virgin just came though, and I have wifi so there's that.
Also the oven is fancy. It's a Smeg range thing. It's very big, shiny and new so hopefully going to get some use out of it.
Slept on the floor last night with a load of tote bags on pillow duties. Woke up with sooty cat prodding me after he finally emerged from behind the washing machine. Haven't had a shower as clothes/towels etc. were in van, along with wallet (I hope).
Have been living on tomatoes and tap water. Send help.
Should give you more time for pics... thread is useless without etc.
Also, have you checked the loft for people yet?