My Pixel has finally become a problem. Been so happy with it to date but this past week it's been a bit odd - home / back / switch buttons not appearing, when I log in it just shows a blank version of my home page, holding power and hitting restart/switch off does nothing, restart loops, can hear phone ringings but can't see phone app to pick up, voicemail doesn't dial through, various crashes (phone something or another dot something and system ui isn't responding etc). Few days it's been the odd one or two issues but today it's become unusable, constantly fucked. Factory resetting and will see if that sorts things.
My Pixel has finally become a problem. Been so happy with it to date but this past week it's been a bit odd - home / back / switch buttons not appearing, when I log in it just shows a blank version of my home page, holding power and hitting restart/switch off does nothing, restart loops, can hear phone ringings but can't see phone app to pick up, voicemail doesn't dial through, various crashes (phone something or another dot something and system ui isn't responding etc). Few days it's been the odd one or two issues but today it's become unusable, constantly fucked. Factory resetting and will see if that sorts things.