Cheers @middleofnowhere - the routes aren't too dissimilar. I'm sure no matter which way we go we'll get there eventually, or 'tout s'arrange, mais mal' as @cgg might say. I had already tidied up the off road bits from the original and there are one or two good suggestions from the route you posted which I've updated into ours, but it also it's a lot more casual with what look like huge Essex B roads which give me the heebeejeebees. The only other change I can see is whether to stay East or West of the M25 when we get South of Brentwood. Either weave through Upminster or hit every single Ockenden. Going via Ockenden saves 1 mile!!1!
Cheers @middleofnowhere - the routes aren't too dissimilar. I'm sure no matter which way we go we'll get there eventually, or 'tout s'arrange, mais mal' as @cgg might say. I had already tidied up the off road bits from the original and there are one or two good suggestions from the route you posted which I've updated into ours, but it also it's a lot more casual with what look like huge Essex B roads which give me the heebeejeebees. The only other change I can see is whether to stay East or West of the M25 when we get South of Brentwood. Either weave through Upminster or hit every single Ockenden. Going via Ockenden saves 1 mile!!1!