It’s a disgrace. They’ve already blur back too far.
I’ve got a neighbour who needs a knee replacement. He lives on the 3rd floor in my building and doesn’t have the option to move. It currently takes him fifteen minutes to make it up or down the three flights of stairs. The NHS won’t operate on him because he’s not in enough pain to justify it. How fucked is that?
in Scotland so perhaps different, but I got told to get a tonsillectomy I had to have "chronic tonsillitis" which was defined as 7 times or more in a 12 month period. I'd get it about 6 times a year, so one month in two I'd have a week or two of fucking agony, and the scar tissue on my tonsils kept increasing so the bouts became more and more painful. There was never any of this "oh, you could self refer, didn't you know?" malark.
On the seventh time I fucking ran to the GP and demanded they get removed-was about 25 at this point-which they dutifully did, and not bothered me since.
Fucking stupid rule blindly enforced by people that should know better.
This has wound me right up this morning, NHS England to stop 'ineffective' treatments.
I suffered from two of these over the last three years (severe back pain, tonsillitis, before any asks how the breast reduction surgery went...) and it is bullshit that they will give you treatment if you make an individual request. I demanded to be referred to a back pain specialist for 9 months before my GP gave in and did, and the problem got solved in 5mins. I’ve since discovered that GP’s are incentivised to not refer patients for things like MRIs because it saves their budgets. The tonsillitis I’ve suffered from for over half my life, literally monthly visits to the GP, dose after dose of antibiotics which “won’t do much because it’s viral.” Then why are you prescribing it then, dickhead? I was only referred to an ENT specialist because I threatened to report my GP and had to make the overly dramatic statement “I don’t think I can live much longer like this...”
This is now. When this bollocks comes in, people are going to suffer unnecessarily because they’re too polite to be pushy about it, for what amounts to a minor cost saving exercise.