• #14277
I’d like to sort it without involving the in-laws, to avoid the inevitable fussfest ‘95 and the possibility of them having an excuse to come down.
We are on the Roseland Peninsular, nr Portscatho.
• #14278
Lovely bit of country. And properly fiddly to get into. But there must be someone in Falmouth who can help?
• #14279
Way too far South for me to know anyone, I'm afraid.
• #14280
Water softeners - who has done this?
Firehose of money pissed up a wall or "bestest decision evar!" ?
Unsurprisingly it is hard to find what appears to be impartial advice using Google options.
• #14281
Cheers, sounds achievable. Any particular filler that you'd recommend, there seem to be a lot of different types out there?
• #14282
It's either a fucked element or a tripped element.
For the latter, there should be a small hole on the outside of the element (pretty small, probably need a matchstick or slimmer) to poke in it, this can reset the trip.If that doesn't work, it's the former.
I've had a plumber replace it previously (whilst on another job with me) prior to that the landlord sorted it out fucked ones.
• #14283
At risk of asking a silly question - is it an Economy 7 system?
Two elements, one not working during the day, while the other can be switched on manually... -
• #14284
If you wanted to put a sail shade up in the garden, and you wanted to put the posts into plant pots, would you cement them in or would you put sand and soil and grow things?
• #14285
Yep - two elements. The top one is working, the bottom isn’t. It is supposed to come on at night - it isn’t.
I’ve looked at the reset, but it doesn’t look tripped. It won’t push in.
• #14286
I would say so, you're mixing water and electricity and clearly you're not fully equipped to test the connections properly. Isn't all like Poldark down there though, surely you just heat some water over the fire for a cat wash.
• #14287
Toupret ready mixed (red pot) is pretty useful, or TX110 from Toupret if you don't mind mixing it. Of course you'll have to buy way more than you need. When you fill it, let it dry off a bit and use a sponge to clean up the excess instead of sand paper.
• #14288
Do you think plant pots will be enough to resist the potential wind force. I'm looking at sail shades myself but I'd assumed they need to be very well anchored.
• #14289
Firehose of really soft water though... Anecdotal evidence I've heard it's brilliant. Depends how hard your water is now but apparently it's life changing for some people. It's always odd when you go somewhere in the world that has really soft water and you feel like the soap hasn't washed off because your skin feels extra smooth!
• #14290
Posts secured to wooden planters, each containing a fuck load of soil and a bleeding heart fuscia.
• #14291
I was hoping to anchor 2 of the 3 points to the back wall.
If I had a post sunk in a plant pot I could then alter the triangle by moving the pot and change the position of the shade as the sun's position alters through the day. (yes, i know, our position changes not the sun)I could use a fence post but I'm not sure I want to run the risk of the fence being ripped up. (paranoia)
• #14292
Our water pressure is pants, is there a way of resolving this that doesn't require banging a big tank somewhere in the flat?
• #14293
Interested in the answer to this. Ours is adequate and I'd like to improve.
Not sure there is much you can do with a combi boiler involved though.
• #14294
Always pants or just during this heat wave?
Water companies back off the mains pressure as waterwasters leave sprinklers on to maintain their lawns. -
• #14295
Always pants. ~62 flats in the block, non-pumped mains pressure, we're on top of a hill.
• #14296
is there a way of resolving this
Build a showershed at the bottom of the hill?
• #14297
Don't AMG offer a pto bolt-on?
A 5L V8 water pump should meet all your pressure needs. -
• #14298
Cheers, I have some cracks to sort out too so should at least be able to use a little more.
• #14299
We just bought a dishwasher and needed to upgrade our under sink waste trap to be able to take two appliance waste hoses.
bought one of these:
but it about 1cm out I can't move the main waste pipe that it connects to. And I can't move the sink up. What are my options ?
1 Attachment
• #14300
Lfgss solution is to knock the house down and start again.
Phone up your in-laws' managing agents first.
Depending on which part of deepest darkest, I may know a sparky / plumber / handyman.