• #252
I didn’t get anyone’s names that day
• #253
The guy with a bike that had a lefty that wasn't me
• #254
They have one large here: https://www.paulscycles.co.uk/m1b65s154p8761/CANNONDALE-SCALPEL-SE-2-29-2018/RS_GB/35294?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI06iyvdDQ2wIVB0PTCh3rRgaJEAQYASABEgLhPvD_BwE
Big discount and it's a real shop. Shame its in Norfolk, but that would probably only add about 1% to the inconvenience of a warranty claim.
• #255
Paul's is basically the emporium of tempting shiz
We bought the Giant Trance from them.
• #256
At the risk of channelling Scoble, I'm going to suggest getting the bike that fits you best. It's all good saying "mtb fit doesn't matter like on road bikes" when you're just chucking it about in the woods for a couple of hours, but if you want to ride things like the SDW in a day, then your body will soon disagree.
tldr - have you considered a bikefit?
• #257
Who actually does mtb bike fits? Serious Q, not doubting they exist.
• #258
Pauls has some great bargains. I bought this from them.
Then soon realised that I might very easily kill myself on it.
• #259
Offhand, I have no idea. There are some guidelines for an XC fit, taken from a road bike fit though.
• #260
With that head angle I'm not surprised. LULz.
• #261
Saddle position the same as road and go from there I guess
• #262
I wanted one of these way back when
• #263
Yeah, and getting the bar reach somewhere in the area between the bar tops & hoods, depending on the width of the bar.
If anything you have less scope to mess about with stem length to correct fit on mtbs, as you can more noticeably screw up the handling.
• #264
Oh no, it wasn't scary to ride. It just went so much faster over the rough stuff than i was used to, that the inevitable crash would have been that much more painful.
• #265
If i can keep my recent escapade into MTB'ing going I'm pretty sure i will be going from HT to FS when funds allow. Not because riding HT has helped me learned all the basics and now i'm ready to take it to new "extremes" but because i'm shit and the amount i ride will remain that way for a while and all i care about is having fun. That's not easy on a red at BPW when you don't know what you doing and you have no rear suspension.
• #266
There's the Shan GT, on a Porsche theme,
• #267
That is indeed a big discount, golly.
• #268
just buy that
• #269
It’s the sort of thing zero interest in purchases credit cards were made for
• #270
just buy that
And use the money saved on some carbon wheels, right?
• #271
you mean, hotel and uplift at Bike Park Wales
• #272
It’s the sort of thing zero interest in purchases credit cards were made for
Got to admit that's a tempting thought.
• #273
Ticks every box, even has a dropper. Get it done.
• #274
you mean, hotel and uplift at
Bike Park WalesWhistler -
• #275
20% off bar ends from the store when you buy it, too
They really aren't bothered about selling MTBs in the UK because they've ridden the SuperSix / CAAD / Synapse gravy train for ten years. These bikes give them zero hassle. Which is what they UK arm want - they are, shall we say, 'relaxed'.
Things might change in the coming years now the road market is softening.