A good writeup from the BBC. I'm not expecting much from Labour so far they did nothing or were unwilling or unable to get Tory rebels on board.
If they back the single market )with freedom of movement EU rules innit) and customs union then it means frictionless trade, Barnier has already said so. And therefore no border issues for Northern Ireland or Gibraltar.
And most likely enough Tory rebels to help them. If their gamble is still to let the Tories take the blame or fall, there's not much time and it can end badly.
A good writeup from the BBC. I'm not expecting much from Labour so far they did nothing or were unwilling or unable to get Tory rebels on board.
If they back the single market )with freedom of movement EU rules innit) and customs union then it means frictionless trade, Barnier has already said so. And therefore no border issues for Northern Ireland or Gibraltar.
And most likely enough Tory rebels to help them. If their gamble is still to let the Tories take the blame or fall, there's not much time and it can end badly.
9 months left... 15 wasted