• #278
As today marks 6 months since the tragic events unfolded, could I ask that those that can sign and share the petition to help those that are affected by the fire.
• #280
Scandalous goings-on elsewhere:
• #281
Westminster has removed it from the four 22 story slabs where we live.
There was a story - when the originally upgraded the buildings and added the cladding - about right to buy owners being unable to afford their costs (£17k around 10 years ago) and being forced to sell.
I wonder if those who remained were charged again to remove it
• #284
tldr; Lady with flat in greenwich told it is worth £50k instead of £475k due to ongoing dispute over who pays for removal of cladding.
• #285
One would like to think this spells the end for out-sourcing of Building Control.
• #286
Amen to that.
• #287
You'd think the value would be £marketprice - £worst_possible_cost_scenario_per_flat - which is probably a lot less £425k.
• #288
£worst_possible_cost_scenario_per_flat - which is probably a lot less £425k. + amountofmoneytocompensateforlivinginaromancandle
• #289
One would like to think this spells the end for out-sourcing of Building Control.
Sadly, here in Islington we are suffering the legacy of a Liberal Council a few years ago. They outsourced building control to the same firm who handled Grenfell on a 30 year contract with no right of review or termination. The current administration have been advised that, if they want to end the contract they would have to pay it off in its entirity, which is simply not feasible.
Worth remembering the longlasting damage that Liberals are capable of come 3 May.
• #290
Oh yeah. That's true.
It's kinda incredible that people live there, assuming the general belief and official view is that the place is dangerous. 1000 homes, apparently.
You'd think it would be possible to set up some kind of emergency fund that would allow management companies to fund the work required so at least the places could be made safe whilst the legal wrangling is happening.
• #291
It's incredible to think it's already been nearly a year and so little seems to have happened since the fire.
• #292
Fucking awful. Just, I cannot get my head round this. :(
• #293
It’s almost unbelievable how shit the effects of “hands off regulation” and maybe greed for money.
I work in health and safety, some people moan like fuck about the “pointless” H s regs etc and red tape : this is why it’s there
• #294
Overdue bump for the inquiry. So many articles. I found this one particularly worth reading:
• #295
Nothing like bring up 'institutional racism' in an inquiry as to why these poor people died, Imran Khan QC. He asks if any of the residents race was a factor in them not being rescued quickly enough!
Wow just wow
• #296
He asks if any of the residents race was a factor in them not being rescued quickly enough!
I don't see where anybody suggested that. From the Graun:
Imran Khan QC says the terms of reference for the Grenfell Inquiry did not include race, religion and social class and require amendment.
Shouldn't be a controversial statement.
• #297
• #298
Does anybody subscribe to The Times? I worked a stint at the Housing Ombudsman and would quite like to read this:
• #299
Anyone read the LRB piece all the way through yet?
• #300
Bit exhausting but I think it’s important