I also flatted today and even had tools but somehow the nut on my inner tube valve was fucking welded on so I couldn't get the fucking inner tube out to replace it.
spent 40 minutes trying to cut it/twist it/bend it/shout at it without damaging the rim and eventually using a tiny blade on my mini-tool i scraped a ton of grime and tube sealant and god knows what else out of the thread and tried to unscrew it until my hand cramped and my thumb was throbbing (broke it playing basketball and not been right since) it finally came loose.
was meant to be in work by 7.40 for an 8am software release, arrived at 8.30 and missed the release window entirely.
think some cunt had thrown something sharp in the cycle lane outside oval as had 2cm gash in tyre and tube and it went flat immediately.
Picked this up on my front wheel
What a day to not have tools