I was hoping more for playing endless games of pool at the Uptown (17th/Capp) or drinking myself into an early grave at Hotel Utah (4th/Bryant).
*checks thread title*
Commute home involved two salt-of-the-earth-cabbies who tried their best to run me off the road. One overtaking another cabbie on Upper Ground who just didn't care I was there on the other side of the road, the other ignoring the give way road markings a bit further up behind the London Eye. Still alive though.
I used to love going to see customers when I worked in SF. Our office was just a block and a half from the Caltrain station at 4th & King and most customers were a walk or a short ride away from station further south. Went to so many companies before they got big (or disappeared completely).
(One of the founders of Hotmail [or HoTMaiL as it still was then] lived in the same apartment block and I remember chatting to him about it. He was keeping his cool as they sold to Microsoft a few months later for $lots).
Sometimes I wonder how different my life would have been if I'd stayed there and not moved back to the UK.