For those eagerly following this thread, I've rubbed a bit of rough, not tacky, worktop with a denibbing pad. Is smooth now. Have looked at the tacky bit closely, mainly the edge that you stand against, lots of drip marks (how unprofessional), I imagine it's those that aren't dry and causing the stickiness I can feel. Rubbed a small patch, will see what it's like TMRW. It's not bobbly anymore.
For those eagerly following this thread, I've rubbed a bit of rough, not tacky, worktop with a denibbing pad. Is smooth now. Have looked at the tacky bit closely, mainly the edge that you stand against, lots of drip marks (how unprofessional), I imagine it's those that aren't dry and causing the stickiness I can feel. Rubbed a small patch, will see what it's like TMRW. It's not bobbly anymore.
Maybe it just isn't dry properly.
Otherwise, I'm burning it on Thursday.