I saw that What Remains of Edith Finch just won the Best Game Bafta. If you have not played it I highly recommend it. It is a pretty amazing experience.
Hellblade won bunch of stuff too and that's been on my Steam wish list now for a while.
Currently I am approaching the end of the 2013 Tomb Raider. Utterly enjoyable and balanced gaming experience and a cracking story. As I am WASD4lyf - what else would be similar? They never ported the Nathan Drake stuff over to PC, did they?
I saw that What Remains of Edith Finch just won the Best Game Bafta. If you have not played it I highly recommend it. It is a pretty amazing experience.
Hellblade won bunch of stuff too and that's been on my Steam wish list now for a while.
Currently I am approaching the end of the 2013 Tomb Raider. Utterly enjoyable and balanced gaming experience and a cracking story. As I am WASD4lyf - what else would be similar? They never ported the Nathan Drake stuff over to PC, did they?