Elements of it are, others are on the right track. If you're not racing, the 50/11 top gear is, as you've discovered, a bit of waste of time. My road set up is 48-34/12-27, which for most purposes is a 1× with a bail out option. Since the FD adds very little weight and serves as the chain guide you'd be thinking of adding if you went to a true 1× set-up, you might as well keep it. If you can get a 13-29 cassette, that will make your set-up pretty similar, i.e. front shifts are not needed until you get to proper hills.
Elements of it are, others are on the right track. If you're not racing, the 50/11 top gear is, as you've discovered, a bit of waste of time. My road set up is 48-34/12-27, which for most purposes is a 1× with a bail out option. Since the FD adds very little weight and serves as the chain guide you'd be thinking of adding if you went to a true 1× set-up, you might as well keep it. If you can get a 13-29 cassette, that will make your set-up pretty similar, i.e. front shifts are not needed until you get to proper hills.