Is this a simply a stupid idea
Elements of it are, others are on the right track. If you're not racing, the 50/11 top gear is, as you've discovered, a bit of waste of time. My road set up is 48-34/12-27, which for most purposes is a 1× with a bail out option. Since the FD adds very little weight and serves as the chain guide you'd be thinking of adding if you went to a true 1× set-up, you might as well keep it. If you can get a 13-29 cassette, that will make your set-up pretty similar, i.e. front shifts are not needed until you get to proper hills.
Got my first road bike recently after years of riding fixed, rear shifting is fine but I'm finding the front derailleur a big faff to use. The commonly used range seems to be right between the two rings, plus the highest 3 gears are useless on all but the steepest descents. It's currently 50/34 with an 11-23 cassette (campag).
Considering a 1x setup to even things out, keeping the 50 up front, ditching the fd and switching to a 13-29 cassette. A gear range of 45 to 101 GI looks good on paper, but
I'll be cross chained on the climbs, is this a big deal?
Would I need a chainguard to prevent droppage?
Is this a simply a stupid idea born from my inexperience with gears?