They've got dead nice original G Plan stuff all over the place. We've asked they leave as much as they want but they only offered to leave the washing machine, fridge and a cupboard. The devils.
Just had Father-in-law-doom-and-gloom-cyoa on the phone saying there's no way they'll wait another 2 weeks, and we need to urgently go out and get some more viewings, fuck off you miserable old fuck. That gets you last place on the visiting list.
They've got dead nice original G Plan stuff all over the place. We've asked they leave as much as they want but they only offered to leave the washing machine, fridge and a cupboard. The devils.
Just had Father-in-law-doom-and-gloom-cyoa on the phone saying there's no way they'll wait another 2 weeks, and we need to urgently go out and get some more viewings, fuck off you miserable old fuck. That gets you last place on the visiting list.