Have they accepted your offer? If so of course they will wait, you’re presumably talking several £100k and something to be used for decades - a few weeks is nothing (although it feels like eternity). Plus they’ll have to wait even longer if they restart the process with someone else.
Edit: estate agent just probably has completion targets to hit. Our vendors agent told us to set a deadline for their clients so they’d get a move on!
They've got dead nice original G Plan stuff all over the place. We've asked they leave as much as they want but they only offered to leave the washing machine, fridge and a cupboard. The devils.
Just had Father-in-law-doom-and-gloom-cyoa on the phone saying there's no way they'll wait another 2 weeks, and we need to urgently go out and get some more viewings, fuck off you miserable old fuck. That gets you last place on the visiting list.