Possibly too obvious a question but are you stretching properly?
Since I started deadlifts in the summer, I’ve had to be much stricter about stretching properly before and afterwards and in general every day.
It could also be a case of cyclist legs... or the two things working against each other or something. Your hams are probably going through massive adaptation but eventually they shouldn’t hurt for days afterwards and you should be more flexible... Seems to take a while to get there, though.
How often are you deadlifting?
Re: DOMS - should it not gradually get better? I have incorporated weight training for 3 months now in an attempt (3X weekly) to get back from an injury. Have focused esp. on posterior chain exercises but honestly cannot remember a day this year when my hamstrings didn't hurt. Noticed more twinges in my calves when pushing on the bike too. Is this just "beginners DOMS" or am I overdoing it?