Stuck the SMP on and that fixed pretty much everything. Fits much better now, sorted the brakes, sorted tyres and some mudguard rub and my morning ride was way way better than yesterday.
@Thrasher hard to compare as I have never rode the brooklyn with drops, they are similar, the pomp is much more fun to ride than I expected, corners well, and has the same weight behind it as the bmw. But it's not as nippy or quite as chuckable.
Stuck the SMP on and that fixed pretty much everything. Fits much better now, sorted the brakes, sorted tyres and some mudguard rub and my morning ride was way way better than yesterday.
Flite + inline isn't for me I think.
@hp93 will shout if I see you.
@Thrasher hard to compare as I have never rode the brooklyn with drops, they are similar, the pomp is much more fun to ride than I expected, corners well, and has the same weight behind it as the bmw. But it's not as nippy or quite as chuckable.