I wanted to check my spoke tension meter calibration using tone. Tried measuring the tone and working out the tension from that, but there are too many overtones to reliably know which I should be measuring on the frequency analysis, so I've decided to try working backwards, calculating the theoretical tone, generating that with the laptop and comparing with the spoke tone at the meter-read tension
Using this formula, I input values of T=125kgf [Stans recommended spoke tension] x 9.98 [as it should be in newtons], mass per unit length as: π x 0.0009m^2 [1.8.mm spoke] x 8000kg/m^3 [density of stainless steel], L = 0.205m [vibrating length of spoke from nipple interior to outer cross is 205mm].
But I keep getting values of >1hz, which is obviously not right.
Does someone fancy checking my working?
I wanted to check my spoke tension meter calibration using tone. Tried measuring the tone and working out the tension from that, but there are too many overtones to reliably know which I should be measuring on the frequency analysis, so I've decided to try working backwards, calculating the theoretical tone, generating that with the laptop and comparing with the spoke tone at the meter-read tension
Using this formula, I input values of T=125kgf [Stans recommended spoke tension] x 9.98 [as it should be in newtons], mass per unit length as: π x 0.0009m^2 [1.8.mm spoke] x 8000kg/m^3 [density of stainless steel], L = 0.205m [vibrating length of spoke from nipple interior to outer cross is 205mm].
But I keep getting values of >1hz, which is obviously not right.