I’m middle class and have middlebrow middle class, middle aged interests like cycling, collecting old records and playing the guitar. Is it shocking that after 18 months of not meeting anyone in a predominantly working class right wing town that i’m pleased to have found someone who extended the hand of friendship and who shares my indie schmindie folkie tastes and lefty politics. I only mentioned their jobs as they have all sorts of shared terms of reference with my wife in the academic and charity sector. Fwiw, i Work in construction and spend half my life on building sites and am quite comfortable in that world. I’m just pleased to have met some cool and friendly locals with whom I can share the experience of being here. Meh.
Unfortunately starting off working class, (god knows what I am now) not having gone to university and having working class interests like cycling and alcohol abuse I've not had the luxury of being a political and cultural outsider, so patronising middle class toss is fair game in my book.
Fwiw I work in an office and spend half my life in meetings with middle class people and am quite comfortable in that world .
It's good to know you've found cool and friendly locals with whom you can share the experience of being political and cultural outsiders surrounded by C18 and the great unwashed- happy times :) maybe lay off the gin when you're bonding
Phew, thank god you managed to find some middle class people to bond with.