I weight myself when I get up, after a wee, before I consume anything to attempt to get comparable readings. The other day I weighed myself again in the evening. As expected I was heaver (about .6kg). The body fat estimation from the bioimpedance scales was heavily affected by the contents of my stomach and my hydreation. So much so that it thinks I gained 2 kg of muscle in 12 hours.
Anyway, my point is. Don't get too hung up on the difference between 2 measurements.
Date Weight Fat Bone Muscle
26,02,18 18:22 82.43 16.01 3.29 63.11
26,02,18 06:12 81.79 17.4 3.2 61.18
Maybe I should plot mine out so all the snowflakes (is that the right term to use these days?) worried about tiny fluctuations can see what happens to the world's greatest and most modest human and then they'll all calm down.
as a little example of this.
I weight myself when I get up, after a wee, before I consume anything to attempt to get comparable readings. The other day I weighed myself again in the evening. As expected I was heaver (about .6kg). The body fat estimation from the bioimpedance scales was heavily affected by the contents of my stomach and my hydreation. So much so that it thinks I gained 2 kg of muscle in 12 hours.
Anyway, my point is. Don't get too hung up on the difference between 2 measurements.