On a connected topic, which I suspect has been covered before, does anyone listen to music whilst lifting?
I’m 50 and an aging punk or old punk perhaps. I’m struggling to find music to listen to. Any suggestions are welcome.
I have tried punk, The Jam, 80s rock stuff - Whitesnake, AC/DC etc, Pearl Jam, The Doors - tonight I’m trying New Order. None are ‘right’ for lifting - to me. Newest stuff I’ve tried are the Foo Fighters who sorta worked.
Tonight was Capdown - Civil Disobedients, but normally a metal play list on shuffle or if I'm feeling moody some black metal. Winterfylleth is a fav atm.
On a connected topic, which I suspect has been covered before, does anyone listen to music whilst lifting?
I’m 50 and an aging punk or old punk perhaps. I’m struggling to find music to listen to. Any suggestions are welcome.
I have tried punk, The Jam, 80s rock stuff - Whitesnake, AC/DC etc, Pearl Jam, The Doors - tonight I’m trying New Order. None are ‘right’ for lifting - to me. Newest stuff I’ve tried are the Foo Fighters who sorta worked.
All suggestions welcome.
Thanks all