Apologies for dredging to disagree with you, but...
Inflation in earnings (of companies) and wage inflation are both normal expected parts of growth under a capitalist system. The latter is paid for out of the former. I.e. payrises of workers are paid for from company profits. If wage inflation gets ahead of earnings inflation then the market expects company profits (and so dividend distributions) to be eaten into, so their shares are of less value to an investor, hence market indices like the Dow fall.
Basically the market correction we just saw is a result of some new wage data causing the rebalancing of that equation. It wasn't the evil lizard overlords worrying that the proletariat were getting above their station.
You're all wrong - the market correction (if that is its real name) was the globalists sending a satanic message to Trump.
Interesting to hear that one of the factors in yesterday's stock market drop was wage growth in the US... Tells you everything you need to know about capitalism at its worst...