I think I'll be going for a pair of 800s. I'll copy the route files over one by one and check that they're all in. I can't really afford to go wrong so turn by turn would be quite nice... but I don't want to increase the probability of crashing. Maybe I need to practice having a route but turn by turn off - I presume you just follow the coloured line?
Will think about backing up to prevent losing the files.
Wow - more good info. Thank you so much.
I think I'll be going for a pair of 800s. I'll copy the route files over one by one and check that they're all in. I can't really afford to go wrong so turn by turn would be quite nice... but I don't want to increase the probability of crashing. Maybe I need to practice having a route but turn by turn off - I presume you just follow the coloured line?
Will think about backing up to prevent losing the files.
@hippy - that's the plan :)