• #50727
it's going to trickle down, ok?!
• #50728
Tsunami Alert for West coast of N. America.
Tsunami travel time to USA shores means it might be there in a couple of hours.Edit: Alert called off a few hours later.
“Though the US government shutdown has now ended, it's not clear that everyone will be back at work. The US Geological Survey would usually be working on this, for instance, but it's last tweet makes clear that "During the federal government shutdown, we will not monitor or update social media". It's not posted since.
Services like the tsunami centre that are required to protect life are allowed to keep going even when the rest of the government is shut down. But the problems of the last few days might delay the response.”
• #50729
From the trial of the alleged Finsbury Park attacker
• #50730
For those pondering Khan and his varied achievements the New London Plan is here https://www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/files/new_london_plan_december_2017.pdf
There's some reasonable stuff in there that may be implemented by 2030 and then more ambitious things like expanding the cycle hire network and reducing fleet emissions which should nicely tie in with my retirement in 2041.
I was amused by this line
This Plan will be the third London Plan, the previous ones being the 2004 Plan produced by former Mayor of London Ken Livingstone and the 2011 Plan produced by former Mayor of London Boris Johnson.
Good to see that these long-term plans have an impact and stick around.
• #50731
There've been multiple iterations over the years based on amending the plans which is fine but then it all gets ripped up by the next person and they start again.
• #50732
There is an argument that current control on vehicles is based the LEZ and CC which started in 2008 and 2003 respectively.
• #50733
It makes a lot less sense to write a 25 year plan and then stick to it for 25 years no matter what,
Isn't that how PFI works. Lock into a 25 year plan, transfer all the financial risk from the government to the employees' pension fund and to small subcontractors. And it only costs us 40% more than managing it directly.
• #50734
That's pretty much my point. Actually do something tangible whilst you're in charge to set the tone going forward rather than talk about doing a lot of things in the future. Once something has happened it's a lot more difficult to reverse it compared to ignoring plans (look at CS11 for instance).
Maybe in the next three years Khan will start putting things into action (Oxford Street for instance) but it's hard to think of much he's done so far (not just in terms of cycling but generally, the bus hopper fare is pretty much all I can think of).
• #50735
Maybe in the next three years Khan will start putting things into action (Oxford Street for instance)
I wonder if the Oxford Street thing is TFL being told to get their buses off the street by Westminster & the various Oxford Street interests. That it was in the manifesto makes me wonder if it had been decided a long time ago and the blocker was working out how to get the pesky transport off the road and in to the surrounding streets.
tl;dr you wouldn't put something like that as a pledge if you didn't know it was a sure thing.
Happy days (kinda) if everyone can come together and make it happen though.
• #50736
Whereas its a lovely theory you're extolling, I have never seen anything to suggest that it is anything but something driven by Khan.
It has been a source of bewilderment to me over the last few years that Oxford Street has consistently been the most polluted street in London, whilst being the busiest shopping street in Europe seemingly receiving half a million visitors a day. I have thought that this is a national disgrace and as Khan has now got the go ahead and work due to start before the end of the year he deserves some acknowledgement. -
• #50738
Good read, thanks for the link.
• #50739
Thanks, a good read.
• #50740
Doodlepets (potentially distressing images of dead puppies) - avoid these guys like the plague. Known to the RSPCA separately. Lot of action going on in the background with the local council to take this Ian Thomas guy out of business as a breeder but really this stuff needs to be front and centre on a google search to ward careless buyers off. These puppy farm breeders really are scum of the highest order.
• #50741
This story needs memes -
• #50742
I'm not one to comment on other people's appearance's but my God, that guy is like an uglier version of Barry from Eastenders
• #50743
The domestic dog has become one of mankind's most grotesque creations.
• #50744
Hyperbole: one of mankind’s most grotesque creations.
• #50745
Ha, fine, in breeding is pretty sick though
• #50746
I've seen a pug with its eyes hanging out twice now. Both times while waiting in the vet with our cat. First one sneezed its eyes out and the second one had some kind of impact on the back of his head causing them to fall out.
Really not cool.
• #50747
Nation of animal lovers, apparently...
• #50748
My brother-in-law has a pug. It's probably coming up to three years old now.
It's had a hernia operation, at least two eye emergencies (blisters and foreign objects), breathing difficulties and has a major spinal defect which they are choosing not to operate on because there's a 50/50 chance of permanent paralysis.
It does make them look super cool though /s
• #50749
There are some horrible breeders out there. But I’d be hard pressed to say that pet dogs are worse than some of the things that you see in factory farms.
• #50750
If pugs were human they'd be the aristocracy.