basically want something that's not too long and low, big triangle space for a proper framebag, space for chunky tires and in steel innit
I'm on the look out for the older Genesis High Latitude for that reason
Easy enough to get a third bottle cage added, an eyelet for an internal dropper or maybe even have the rear converted to 12mm thru. Should be reasonably cheap too due to 'older' style geo
Would a High Latitude LT be suited for you?
hadn't thought about those. the LT model seems quite up my street actually.
poking around ebay reveals another few interesting models - this going cheap too
@platypus I have one of these (actually I have both but one isn't built up yet), and a large restrap frame bag fits nicely into the 20.5" frame.
Tarn - triangle's too small for a proper framebag
Ramin - alu
@Howard - good suggestion, will have a look at that.
basically want something that's not too long and low, big triangle space for a proper framebag, space for chunky tires and in steel innit