• #11752
Ah, those were the days, I'm 85kg now. Coincidentally I've just started running again.
• #11753
Training Peaks and a P2M. Okay - maybe closer to 900.
1 Attachment
• #11754
I was 85kg in 2014. It was a mostly shit year book-ended by two good results.
• #11755
Oh yeah, I just had a look at some of my 2x20s and they're over 1000. Seemed really high to me. I guess during intervals and races I don't look at cals so much as I'm only really interested in power but on commutes and stuff in the early season when I'm trying to lose weight I pay more attention to cals. I think my commute values of ~600/hr is stuck in my head.
• #11756
96.8 morning (it was 96.9 but I had a coffee and a shit and weighed again)
95.0 nightThu
95.2 morning (heavier than last night so assume I weighed post-ride but before dinner?)
94.2 night (post-ride, pre-dinner)Fri
94.5 why you getting heavier shitbrains?w/e??? doo do doo dooo
Mon 08/01
93.8 morning (post coffee, post toilet destroying shit) -
• #11757
#Overshitting you'll end up a husk.
• #11758
I might double up for today. If I can knock off 300g+ then I can round my weight down to 93kg right?
• #11759
I think the "do hippy shits" diet would sell well. "No effort, take this one simple pill and experience HUGE weight loss!!!" :p
I've lost nothing which shows my holiday weight gain is, er, solid gains. If it was just water, it would be gone by now. Ah well, that duck and chocolate and wine WERE tasty :)
• #11760
7000 calorie deficit past 2 weeks, 3lb weigh gain.
• #11761
Can be holding on to water (creatine / stress by pushing exercise and diet too hard), extra muscle, do you also track measurements, fat percentage?
• #11762
I dont measure but as most of the effort was at Z2 I was expecting a lb or 2 lower.
• #11763
Are you comparing two single measurements? I can fluctuate that much day to day, a 7 day rolling average is far more informative
• #11764
Kind of constant last 3 years, always set a target of dropping 6lb, never achieved it.
• #11765
In that case I would take better metrics.
I dropped 4 kg as a small female with a tiny metabolism, unless you are already very lean / constantly undereating / not tracking calories accurately it should just work?
Unless you gain muscle like mad when you exercise extra if so take up a strength sport and make the competition cry ;)
Unless you have a medical condition, some can really mess with weight loss.
• #11766
"ounce per day"@MicroDosed™ Look at my measurements in the post above - I'm changing weight by 1 -> 1.8KG in the space of a work day (30min commute, sit on my arse 7-8hrs, 30min commute). If you're not weighing at a consistent hydration state then you're not weighing the same thing and the comparisons are wrong.
• #11767
There's also glycogen: 100 grams of carbs holds 300 grams of water making it 400 grams of total weight.
Muscle gains taper off strongly after a few years of training, but no doubt you've experienced that. I did gain a nice bit at the start though! From a paltry 58 to 62 kg :)
• #11768
Yeah, I'm gonna say I weighed after restocking all glycogen
• #11769
Well yeah, that's why I dropped almost 2kg on the first day. I'd gone from a no-ride day to a commute day. Using muscles, uses glycogen and loses the bound H2O. I wish all weight loss was that easy!
I forgot this morning's weigh in. Was already dressed and "late" so skipped it. Skipping breakfast as punishment for this terrible indiscretion.
• #11770
Lots of sweets at work.
Please send help :(
• #11771
First or second breakfast?
I hate forgetting to weigh myself until I'm dressed. especially if it's in my multi-layered cycle ensemble at this time of year. ain't nobody got time for that.
• #11772
That's not how it works. Please send sweets here!
• #11773
Haha that would work too :):)
• #11774
I have a coffee or nothing when I leave home and then eat when I get into an office. I was lazy waking up this morning (bit of a cold, resting, let's call it) so I figured I could cope with another coffee for the few hours between arriving and lunch.
Yeah, this morning I had knicks, longs, mtb shorts so I'm not fucking taking all that lot off just for a weigh in. I may have eaten a box of chocolates last night so subconsciously it may have scared me off... :)
• #11775
The other day, for the first time ever, I got a Wiggle order and didn't eat the Haribo straight away. I left them and then put them in my bag and had them the next day straight after gym like a good little nutrient-timing aware fitness dork.
oh did you bunny hop the entire way then?