Relax man, sometimes it just takes some time to develop a taste. Gaston was giving you a good advice, you might agree with it or not but I assure you that here (on this forums) you’ll get a lot of friendly advices like that.
And here’s one from me: this frame has really unique and rad paintjob so I’d keep it that way and also remove the top tube protector. You won’t need it if you don’t trash it around badly.
Relax man, sometimes it just takes some time to develop a taste. Gaston was giving you a good advice, you might agree with it or not but I assure you that here (on this forums) you’ll get a lot of friendly advices like that.
And here’s one from me: this frame has really unique and rad paintjob so I’d keep it that way and also remove the top tube protector. You won’t need it if you don’t trash it around badly.