What did you mean by ‘good light’? If you want something for dull-but-even light Provia could work. I’ve only ever shot it rebranded and 35mm. Like other slide film I usually shoot it 2 or 3 stops faster than I would negative colour film in the same situation. I don’t mind areas of black/zero detail. It’s not ideal at all in high-contrast situations but you can kinda hustle it at night ... if you’re ok with the 90s NME photo shoot look lolz.
Yup, flat dull light, late afternoons in winter. I've heard you can push Provia up to 400ISO, does it stretch out to 800ISO ok ?
I’ve seen provia 400 push processed two stops and it looked great. I think it was the go-to for nighttime urban landscapes. I assumed we were talking Provia 400?
Not sure what happens with 100. What do Fujifilm say?
Yup, flat dull light, late afternoons in winter. I've heard you can push Provia up to 400ISO, does it stretch out to 800ISO ok ?