• are the any definitions and/or distinctions of what constitutes each of the following terms people are throwing around:

    • regulatory alignment;
    • regulatory convergence;
    • regulatory harmonisation?

    or is it, as I expect, as meaningful/less as 'brexit means brexit'...

  • Have also been puzzling...
    Started to write it all down, then gave up - ended up contradicting myself.
    Decided that the prefix of choice ('alignment') simply means the same rules / laws as the UK (currently 'in' the EU) but re-minted as 'our own' (so “'parallel' regulatory regimes")? So 'brexit, means...' no need for a hard border as nothing 'regulatory' has changed...
    However, mindful I have no idea really.

  • Or as I just read, 'regulatory alignment' could be “a bespoke arrangement involving technology and others (sic) things.”
    So basically whatever you want it to mean.

  • Whichever of these three, or anyothers the Civil Service can get pasr swivel-eyed brexit ministers, all amount to much the same problem.
    When you are in the EU, each member state has a say in building up the regulation. Once you are 'Out', the regulation is presented to you as a finished non-negotiable whole. And which body ultimately decides if your parallel regulation is equivalent? The ECJ!
    TMay and the frothing kippers within the Tories have, by insisting we are already leaving the Single Market & the Customs Union, painted themselves into a corner with no practical way out, except not to leave.


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