• Yea it is what it is of course, still the reality is that I will be carrying the thing with me about 300 days a year, so it just has to be something that isn't huge or heavy as fuck.

    I love Mamiya 645's for example, and I have (a friends' one) here for 10 months now or so - but have shotten a total of 2,5 rolls with it until now as I just can't be assed to drag it around town on a regular basis.

  • Thanks for the suggestion.
    I looked into these a while back. There's some beautiful cameras from that era..
    In the end I decided against going that route, the major reasons were
    a) while being rather cheap cameras that age will most likely need a complete CLA at least
    b) dim / old / small finders - if any at all
    c) narrow range of shutter speeds & slow glass

  • A thing with folders is whilst the glass may be ok, the film often doesn't stay flat and sharpness suffers a bit.

  • What about a folding camera e.g. Zeiss Ikon?

    They're a bit primative and lenses are a bit slow for handheld use in winter but the glass quality is decent and they're pretty cheap....

    After reading up about cheap compact 120 cameras I ended up going down a rabbit hole and just bought one of these for £25. Got one with the f4.5 lens so hopefully with Tri-X pushed 1 or 2 stops it's be fine.
    Didn't realise there was so many cheap folders out there.

    In the meantime been enjoying my Mamiya C330
