I wasn’t paying attention earlier today, have I got this right? The ROI won’t allow progress on a Brexit deal that doesn’t keep NI aligned with the EU, no border controls. If the UK government tries to agree a deal that treats NI differently from the rest of the UK, the DUP will bring down the government. The obvious solution (if you absolutely must keep up the pretence that you’ve left the EU) is a Norwegian-style EEA deal, but the Tory Brexit headbangers will bring down the government. It’s almost as if no one thought all this through before the referendum. Maybe we should just just admit it can’t be done and call it off?
But you fail to understand that Theresa May and David Davis are strong, stable, competent negotiators who will have gateaux and gorge on it, with no concessions.
I wasn’t paying attention earlier today, have I got this right? The ROI won’t allow progress on a Brexit deal that doesn’t keep NI aligned with the EU, no border controls. If the UK government tries to agree a deal that treats NI differently from the rest of the UK, the DUP will bring down the government. The obvious solution (if you absolutely must keep up the pretence that you’ve left the EU) is a Norwegian-style EEA deal, but the Tory Brexit headbangers will bring down the government. It’s almost as if no one thought all this through before the referendum. Maybe we should just just admit it can’t be done and call it off?