Apart from medium format, where I'm still on the quest of finding "my" portable 120 camera.
Medium format is what it is I guess ? My Mamiya C330 is a brick of a camera, but I've kind of got used to it. I could spend more to get a decent folder I guess, but if I want something smaller there's 35mm.
There's always a Holga I suppose and I get tempted every now and again as they're cheap. Not really a fan of the Lomo thing though
Nice, calm image.
Had a go with a rangefinder the other day (for the first time since, uh, a good while).
A Revue 400SE (it's a Minolta Hi-Matic 7sII clone apparently).
It's got a really nice lens, very sharp, very contrasty.
If you like manual rangefinders this might be for you.
I realized I've been shooting SLRs for so fucking long maybe I will not ever get used to rangefinder focussing, always feels awkward to me. And I guess there's cameras with better viewfinders out there, but I also have trouble determing reliably what will be in the frame excactly. Practice makes perfect I guess but I think I'll pass.
Apart from medium format, where I'm still on the quest of finding "my" portable 120 camera.
I guess I settled on a Plaubel 67W but now realized they are not repairing them anymore since this summer, so that's quite a lot of money for a camera that may have issues sooner or later - which will be expensive / impossible to fix..
: [