• #402
I believe that The Great Ice Ball is in fact flat
• #403
• #404
All previous theories wrong again, I'm afraid...
• #405
Cat Earth theory? You must be kitten me.
• #406
These multiple new theories (hypotheses) are leaving me feline more and more confused.
• #407
is this where we litter the thread with puns for 4-5 pages?
• #408
Whiskers of paws you fur isn't much of a tabby-ful idea!
• #409
• #410
I spend too much time procatstinating on this forum
• #411
Cat thread >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
• #412
Have chem trails been mentioned yet?
• #413
What's the Flat Earther take on the differing climates
aroundacross the world? -
• #414
It’s to do with the capricious nature of angels obvs.
• #415
If you believe in a flat earth, does it mean that the moon landings are fake?
• #416
That's no moon.
• #417
It exists, but if I learned anything from Button Moon, it's flat too.
• #419
There are some obvious holes in that argument.
• #420
Probably the best place to mention this, but last night I was attending a talk by a friend/photographer about his project "Searching for bigfoot" and towards the end of the talk he actually said that some US based big foot believers actually think that the seasons dont affect plants and stuff up in the mountains but that its actually bigfoot migrating back and forth eating all the shit as he goes.
fucking brilliant.
• #421
almost def re:
the bit around 8:30 with the crossword puzzle is great!
• #422
David Mitchell on flat earthers and stuff
• #423
It's not just the earth guys.
• #424
best comment
general mayhem
1 week ago
arguing with a flat earther is like playing chess with a pidgeon. it just knocks over the pieces, shits on the
board, and struts around as if it won -
• #425
They are flat, people in factories just shape them to be round so the round ballers are happy.
Flat earth is death. Long live giant ice ball theory
Edit: @Spxtz I probably should have clicked on that link in your post before posting this! Durrrr
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