Phwoar had no idea how long it takes for ruddy epoxy to set when I started this. So updates:
I made a very hi tech jig:
And then I really went to town with the nitromors and a dremel to try and get all that paint off :
But fuck nitromors. Seriously, it’s the worst stripper ever. So I got on amazon and ordered me some mad fresh slag brushes and then waited for the internet to chill out on the new stranger things :
Then yesterday :
Turns out it’s really hard to film whilst grinding but just so you all know I’m really good at it. Meant that last night I had this tube all in place and tacked :
Phwoar had no idea how long it takes for ruddy epoxy to set when I started this. So updates:
I made a very hi tech jig:
And then I really went to town with the nitromors and a dremel to try and get all that paint off :
But fuck nitromors. Seriously, it’s the worst stripper ever. So I got on amazon and ordered me some mad fresh slag brushes and then waited for the internet to chill out on the new stranger things :
Then yesterday :
Turns out it’s really hard to film whilst grinding but just so you all know I’m really good at it. Meant that last night I had this tube all in place and tacked :