I've just been to cycle around a route for a borough ride that is in 2 days time with a dozen schools involved and following the risk assesment+route I was handed it's evident nobody has actually cycled the route. It's some crap google maps has chucked out that might have even been done a year ago before road alterations. Junction after junction after junction was missing. Of the few present some roundabouts had been cross roads or T junctions and vice versa. Some impassable gates that they somehow expect to get 100+ people past. Holes in the road, posts and other obstructions, expecting participants to jump off or up kerbs.
You need initially to complain to the scheme that asked you to do this with such poor risk assessment. To escalate you need to contact the Bikeability Support team contactus@bikeability.org.uk
I'm quitting my ITO.
I've just been to cycle around a route for a borough ride that is in 2 days time with a dozen schools involved and following the risk assesment+route I was handed it's evident nobody has actually cycled the route. It's some crap google maps has chucked out that might have even been done a year ago before road alterations. Junction after junction after junction was missing. Of the few present some roundabouts had been cross roads or T junctions and vice versa. Some impassable gates that they somehow expect to get 100+ people past. Holes in the road, posts and other obstructions, expecting participants to jump off or up kerbs.
Does anyone know who/how you complain properly about this? @skydancer @dancing james @WillMelling