I had a snow leopard bengal like this 10 years ago, he was a complete nutter. Constantly fighting, so many trips to the vets to get abscesses drained. He died quite young (10) with a heart issue, the epitome of 'live fast, die young'. His brother lasted till he was 15, allot more sedentary. We now have a 3rd bengal who is a cross between the two, murderous but relaxed.
I had a snow leopard bengal like this 10 years ago, he was a complete nutter. Constantly fighting, so many trips to the vets to get abscesses drained. He died quite young (10) with a heart issue, the epitome of 'live fast, die young'. His brother lasted till he was 15, allot more sedentary. We now have a 3rd bengal who is a cross between the two, murderous but relaxed.