Last gasp effort, not holding out much hope. Plugged my phone into the computer via usb and cut and pasted some photos from the internal memory to the SD card (yeah yeah I know all too well I should have copied and pasted then deleted the source files) left it doing that for a few hours and assumed (fail #2) when I returned all had gone well and unplugged my phone. Photos are neither in internal memory or on the sd card :( Recuva hasn't found them on the computer and diskdigger hasn't found them on the phone and obviously these days you can't usb mass storage your phone to let Recuva try finding them on the phone. I'm not rooted and doing so would wipe the phone which doesn't really help matters. Do I just have to accept they're gone?
Last gasp effort, not holding out much hope. Plugged my phone into the computer via usb and cut and pasted some photos from the internal memory to the SD card (yeah yeah I know all too well I should have copied and pasted then deleted the source files) left it doing that for a few hours and assumed (fail #2) when I returned all had gone well and unplugged my phone. Photos are neither in internal memory or on the sd card :( Recuva hasn't found them on the computer and diskdigger hasn't found them on the phone and obviously these days you can't usb mass storage your phone to let Recuva try finding them on the phone. I'm not rooted and doing so would wipe the phone which doesn't really help matters. Do I just have to accept they're gone?