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  • So you knowingly went into a retail store ten minutes before they close and wanted an immediate solution or explanation to your problem?

    Now you want to complain? For what? Being a bit of a Muppet?

  • So you knowingly went into a retail store ten minutes before they close...


    He went into a shop while they were open?

    Perhaps they should close ten minutes earlier if they're not prepared to deal with customers at that time?

    ... and wanted an immediate solution or explanation to your problem?

    Where do you get that from? I've read what he wrote more than once, I don't see where he's being so demanding.

    As "warranty" is mentioned, then I'm going to go out on a limb and assume he's bought the pedals new from them.

    And then been fed a line of complete and utter bullshit plucked out of thin air: “they can’t warranty then because I’ve been riding them on a fixie”. (Never was never asked what kind of bike they were on). I told him it is a single speed bike. He said “we still can’t because the straps means I’ve been pulling up on them”.

    I was given all the bits back and just told to “have a look online and figure it out” and he kept saying “we are in a rush to go home.”


    If only that could have been dealt with differently.

    If only...

    If only...

    If only...

    Meanwhile in an alternative universe, a returning customer walks into a shop shortly before closing: "Sorry mate, I don't have an answer for you right now and we're about to close: give me the details and I'll make sure someone's on it when we open tomorrow."

  • Where in my comment did I say anything about not dealing with it? Or justifying the staff's attitude towards him?

    My point was going into a retailer ten minutes before closing and expecting results doesn't really get you far, which for me is reinforced by him wanting to complain to Evans HQ.

    @farewell Nukeproofs are renowned for doing that. Myabe riding SS/Fixed does have an effect on them or or maybe not.
    What I do know is even riding them normally, I've seen enough do that so far. Depending on how old they are, they're a warranty issue for sure and they should have booked them in to at least get some information.

  • "Sorry mate, I don't have an answer for you right now and we're about to close: give me the details and I'll make sure someone's on it when we open tomorrow."

    Yeah so going in ten minutes before closing isn't ideal but this kind of thing would have had @farewell out the door way quicker and probably more satisfied.

    Anyway, your pedals are now working, I don't think that even if you complain to Evans in writing that you'd end up with anything more than the outcome you've already arrived at but if you find yourself with the time to do never know.

  • Meanwhile in an alternative universe, a returning customer walks into a shop shortly before closing: "Sorry mate, I don't have an answer for you right now and we're about to close: give me the details and I'll make sure someone's on it when we open tomorrow."

    That how I felt the whole situation should of been handled. They could of been completely honest with me and just said to pop in tomorrow. Instead they just started coming out with all sorts of nonsense.
