Trying to gauge the interest for an idea I have. There's a 100 km audax (named The Tasty Cheddar, which bodes well in my opinion) starting from Pill, near Bristol. It starts at 9am on Saturday 28 October. Who would be keen for a London to Pill 200 overnighter (probably nicking the London to Bath route), then ride the audax? You may also take the train back to London directly but that would be missing on half of the fun (well, one third).
Trying to gauge the interest for an idea I have. There's a 100 km audax (named The Tasty Cheddar, which bodes well in my opinion) starting from Pill, near Bristol. It starts at 9am on Saturday 28 October. Who would be keen for a London to Pill 200 overnighter (probably nicking the London to Bath route), then ride the audax? You may also take the train back to London directly but that would be missing on half of the fun (well, one third).