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    Seriously though we can't tell you without knowing your budget.

    I'm not living in Victoria!

    Not sure on the budget, a flat in my block which is smaller than mine just went on sale for £475k, if it makes that then I'm going to have to reconsider what I think mine will make.

    We have £300k equity from the current place, and I could (from a brief play with the HSBC calculator) get a mortgage for 600K, although the prospect of that has me frankly terrified.

    With some more work on the HSBC site, picking a value of £750k gives a monthly repayment of £1,694 which is ok, so lets pick that as the ceiling price.

  • it doesn't sound like much when you consider the monthly repayments look positively benign. still brown trouser territory tho. i blame crippling imposter syndrome.

  • Which road on the Corbett have you ended up on? Did you gazump amey on the killearn place? If so, I owe you a beer.


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