You mean no true Christian behaves like that? Tricky.
But yep, the rotters will use religion to their own ends if they can
@JWestland Scruton is one of those.
no true Christian?
Haha fair point - It's certainly not for me to decide who is and isn't a true Christian.
As far as I'm concerned it's not about being 'in' or 'out' of a 'social club', or the adherence to a set of arbitrary rules or laws. It's more of a journey in relationship with a creator God, through which ones outlook and behaviour change.My personal observation on this journey and it's relevance to the discussion on this page is that what I understand to be the attitude of Christ to social justice, human rights etc is quite a bit closer to a modern humanist viewpoint than it is to historic Christian theocracies etc...
I'd best shut up now or I'll get redirected to the relevant God-bothering threads, but it's been an excellent discussion, cheers.
Fair enough - I guess I'd argue that these progressive people had a clear understanding of the central redemptive message of Christ and that the rotters were using a religious framework to serve their own ends ("fuck all to do with faith" to use your terminology)