• #3027
Hm, maybe.
My 50mms are currently waiting a potential fitting over 42mm tires. -
• #3028
Too complicated on cross frame with discs. Going to bike shop !
• #3029
edit: scratch that. It adds up when you get to the checkout. Avoid
• #3030
I bought from bike24, going on the bike this week, thanks!
• #3031
Has anyone got recommendations for full length guards that you can easily add flaps at the bottom to?
Its for a Dolan Prefissio
• #3032
silver could look okay...
ps. that's a niiiiiice bike.
• #3033
Anything really, as long as you haz dremel.
• #3034
Ordered a pair of 60mm Bluemels yesterday, will see how they go and maybe get a pair of GB's if the Bluemels get fucked.
Need a slightly longer stem and the Wald needs some adjustment, but it's getting there!
• #3035
where'd you get that frame? I have my eye on a stumpjumper from that era but old MTB sizing is weird...
• #3036
I think I might be able to get the Radials to fit if I can make the holes longer that attach to the brake bolt.
I have tried drilling but does seem to do anything with my drill bits!
Anyone know how I can make the holes longer to give the three more clearance?
• #3037
Use something like this. Gently does it.
http://www.screwfix.com/p/erbauer-drill-saw-set-3-pieces/89079?kpid=89079&gclid=Cj0KCQjwub7NBRDJARIsAP7wlT-RoPIzg67wPRD0mVTHgh2NlEncHGFwGw_yZAiSLqAaOmd3RWqrT-caAij7EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds&dclid=COb-nLXKkdYCFRCtUQodr-4PwQOr these or similar
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Tungsten-steel-Carbide-Dremel-Rotary/dp/B00CYA6I46 -
• #3038
If you can locate one of these I can certainly vouch for its efficacy.
http://www.leevalley.com/en/wood/page.aspx?p=32279&cat=1,180,42240,53317 -
• #3039
From a guy in his mid fifties who had it built up as a beach cruiser with some huge balloon tires. He had a rather impressive Cannondale collection and just got a Slate, so this had to go.
Lucky me.
• #3040
Any recommendations for mudguards for my Bottechia? I'm not even sure whether black or silver would look better, so any input is welcome :)
1 Attachment
• #3041
I've got some GB fitting to do tonight. What a lengthy job.
• #3042
Well worth the £15 that SBC charge
• #3043
I'd go for black SKS bluemels.
They do a matt black 45mm and I think that would be ideal for you. -
• #3044
Velo orange hammered black 45 mm? Liberte cycles stock them in the NL
• #3045
I do my own mechanic work.
• #3046
@MisterMikkel thanks for the input guys! The VO guards look cool but they're quite pricy, not sure if I can justify it. The sks ones are a good price but I'm not sure if I want black plastic. Mhh, time for some more thinking. Maybe I should keep my eyes open for 2nd hand ones.
• #3047
SKS make a variety of colours.
• #3048
I won't be able to fit 32mm GravelKings under Radials will I?
• #3049
I couldn't, but it was close. You could try and see how you got on... are they the SK version?
I might have been alright if I'd been able to move the wheel further back in the dropout.
• #3050
122 pages of mudguard chat. Fucking Brits. :P
Gbs are really stiff, won't bend like that. Normally rocks etc just 'pling' and they're out. Yesterday I had a rock stuck between the tyre and the guard for a second or two. Sounded like the Nazgul were flying overhead