That method is exactly what I've been doing. 1mm flathead, spin the wire around to shallow side, push the screwdriver under it and ping it off. Takes me about 5 seconds to do each one now. The circlip is now trickier because with my missus to put something under it, those pliers just squeeze it but they're not small enough pins to hook it and drag it out. If I had a bench vice I'd be able to do it myself.
I used a pair of tweezers to get the circlips off. Think they were a 4 pack from Poundland, they're the ones that go the opposite way, so you squeeze to widen the gap.
With regards to my clicking, I'm now thinking it might be poor finishing on the J&L spindles pedal thread bit where it meets the face of the crank arm. I've cleaned crank and spindle threads and greased the threads and that face to the max. Hopefully will sort it.
Good luck! Those little retaining wire ring things made me swear a lot. I got a tiny flathead screwdriver just under the end of the wire when it was on the shallow side of the pedal and managed to lever it up (on about the 100th try).
Not sure if I mentioned, but they're clicking even more since the bearing swap. Enraging.