As in the tin. The CSI insurance has been rumbling for ages. The UK could accept the NHS, which covers everyone as comprehensive sickness insurance, but chooses not to.
At which point is is not alufoilhattery to assume the minister that deals with immigration is intentionally pursuing xenophobic policy?
Making it hard for UK nationals to bring foreign spouses in, USA nationals needing to earn 35K after a few years, charging £938 to register a child as British...the list goes on.
As in the tin. The CSI insurance has been rumbling for ages. The UK could accept the NHS, which covers everyone as comprehensive sickness insurance, but chooses not to.
At which point is is not alufoilhattery to assume the minister that deals with immigration is intentionally pursuing xenophobic policy?
Making it hard for UK nationals to bring foreign spouses in, USA nationals needing to earn 35K after a few years, charging £938 to register a child as British...the list goes on.