• #3277
David Coulon has passed CP4
The end game is upon us.
• #3279
Noticed the scratch rate is almost at 50%. Is that similar to previous years or higher?
• #3280
It's within the historical ranges. Last year was lower, year before was higher. See Chris White's site for the full story: ridefar.info
• #3281
Spit and butter...
• #3282
Paddington is a hotbed of TCR filth.
• #3283
I don't get that reference.
• #3284
I haven't done TABR yet!
I should because it might help me understand what I can improve. Unfortunately it takes huge time and is a massive PITA so I'll probably not bother.
• #3285
Imagine how I felt when I went to buy something off hippy at lunchtime and got 3 TCR finishers for the price of one, including a winner.
@hippy really sold it to me to the extent that I mentioned to my fiancee that I was even considering doing it next year. Then she reminded me we're getting married at the start of August. Two years to prepare!
• #3286
@frank9755 I found that road in Hungary, 37 onto 39:
https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@48.1665478,21.2946652,3a,75y,120.83h,76.85t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1su66czhe46L2KH5IhROT1iA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=enIt does have a streetview 'no bikes' sign. Doh! The detour felt longer than it looked...
This also messed me up: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@48.7907477,21.3071495,3a,75y,174.79h,85.88t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1snWwBTxRIt69W0_Rdr_OXNg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en
It's different now, there were two motorway logos left and right and there was a 'cars only' sign here:
https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@48.7875285,21.3059974,3a,75y,235.13h,91.03t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s7PRMMZ5V29aEgrFzYelSjg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=enIt's 5 year old streetview though so I wasn't to know. I took a convoluted detour to avoid the cars-only roads. I hope the dotwatchers know about this one. :)
• #3287
I chatted to Dave in Westerley kit on the way home too.
• #3288
Ha! I like how you forgot about the wedding. Definite candidate for TCR.
• #3289
I don't get that
You've obviously spent far too much time training and doing epic bike races. Eating crisps and watching tv series is where the really heavy work is.
• #3290
Holy shit, did I just complete a race without any Garmin problems?
• #3291
If it's GoT, I have no idea. I only just finished Breaking Bad...
• #3292
It's GoT.
• #3293
Not sure why people are so fascinated with toilets.
• #3294
Proper skinny lookalike at Santa Maria tonight. We eventually decided it couldn't be him. I just hope it really wasn't. :)
• #3295
Was me.
• #3296
On my to do list, and plenty of commuting in the coming weeks so yes.
• #3297
August 2nd wasn't a good day for you:-
"One wrong way Garmin thanks. You're retired"
"Escaped that shithole. New rules: ignore Garmin, ignore cycle lanes, ignore drivers."
"Argh!!!! Again Garmin fuck!!!"
"Painting an arrow on a cat and throwing it in the air would've been more use than Garmin today. #TCRNo5" -
• #3298
Sounds like I should've popped in for a beerski.
• #3299
Ah, I remember that. Trying to get out of the city.
I can't remember if I was free-routing at that point or it was in my planned route.
I might've been a RWGPS + Garmin problem. I need to check where that was - Austria somewhere?What I mean was, it never crashed and I didn't lose any data. All my files downloaded last night. Navigation is always a ballache.
• #3300
How'd the dropper/side-mount cages work for you? Any dramas?
Imagine that.
Edit: argh, new page