Recommended clear lacquer for a frame?
Looking at Hycote since it's to go over a Hycote metallic colour spray, can't really tell the difference between "Bodyshop Clear Lacquer" and "Spraypaint/Basics Clear Lacquer", the Bodyshop one is more expensive. Not fussed about brand if someone can recommend one. I just need something fairly easy to use (ready mixed, comes in a spray can) and looking for final hardness/durability.
Edit: I emailed Hycote, and they said the normal one with a normal spray nozzle would be better for bikes, the bodyshop nozzle is better for big flat areas.
Recommended clear lacquer for a frame?
Looking at Hycote since it's to go over a Hycote metallic colour spray, can't really tell the difference between "Bodyshop Clear Lacquer" and "Spraypaint/Basics Clear Lacquer", the Bodyshop one is more expensive. Not fussed about brand if someone can recommend one. I just need something fairly easy to use (ready mixed, comes in a spray can) and looking for final hardness/durability.
Edit: I emailed Hycote, and they said the normal one with a normal spray nozzle would be better for bikes, the bodyshop nozzle is better for big flat areas.