So tonight I had a little bit of time so I put the headset back in with the original bearings. Measured the diameter as 37mm and this is on the 'as and when' to do list. Managed to have another look at the bottom bracket - the UN55 68mm spare I had lying around is shorter than the original one. For speed/cheapness and convenience I'll stick with the original for now.
stem/ bars cleaned up. I tried to fit a 25.4mm bar but it was too big - I need to get on google and see what the circumference is. Stem back in
-To do: strip + clean hubs (o.g. wheels will do for now), see what range the 200gs derailleur has
-To buy to get momentum going: good quality square tapered mtb crankset, jockey wheels, chain, pedals, wider bars, levers, v brakes, cables
-Less urgent things to buy: 7 speed cassette (or research and see if I can go to 8/9 on the hub/ with the 200gs mech I have)
-As and when: use parts bin seatpost, bb, headset, longer stem, wheels, decent seat, 26" tyres + tubes
So tonight I had a little bit of time so I put the headset back in with the original bearings. Measured the diameter as 37mm and this is on the 'as and when' to do list. Managed to have another look at the bottom bracket - the UN55 68mm spare I had lying around is shorter than the original one. For speed/cheapness and convenience I'll stick with the original for now.
stem/ bars cleaned up. I tried to fit a 25.4mm bar but it was too big - I need to get on google and see what the circumference is. Stem back in
-To do: strip + clean hubs (o.g. wheels will do for now), see what range the 200gs derailleur has
-To buy to get momentum going: good quality square tapered mtb crankset, jockey wheels, chain, pedals, wider bars, levers, v brakes, cables
-Less urgent things to buy: 7 speed cassette (or research and see if I can go to 8/9 on the hub/ with the 200gs mech I have)
-As and when: use parts bin seatpost, bb, headset, longer stem, wheels, decent seat, 26" tyres + tubes