TL;DR He was about spot on. Here's his conclusion, doesn't seem any less likely to come to pass:
After all, Leave campaigners are in the process of becoming subject to a form of accountability they have never really had to experience before: the accountability of reality. The time has come when their fantasies have to find solutions to real problems; they have to negotiate with people who haven’t been conned into sharing their distorted worldview; they have to address challenges which they denied would ever even materialise.
But how will they respond? By welcoming the scrutiny? By admitting their mistakes? By apologising for their reckless risktaking? Of course. They’ll ignore, they’ll deny, they’ll blame everyone else except themselves – the internal saboteurs and the spiteful foreigners.
Just before the referendum (and shared on here) Prof Dougan posted a lecture on youtube. Here's his review an hour later:
TL;DR He was about spot on. Here's his conclusion, doesn't seem any less likely to come to pass: