Hi @diceface long time lurker chiming in here, but it looks like your new Cabronita suffers the same problem mine did with the strings not aligning properly with the pole pieces - most noticeable on the B and E. Fender installed the wrong bridge on a big batch of the Mexican Cabronitas, and I think they only rectified it for the US version.
It might not bother you, but if it does it's a dead easy swap:
Axecaster produce a direct drop in replacement which thankfully doesn't require any extra drilling. They also do a stainless saddle version which I emailed and asked them not to 'age', so it was nice and shiny to match the rest of the hardware. They come with nice short saddle screws too, so the bridge is smooth on the hand.
The only issue I've found is I had to remove some of the springs to get the saddles far enough back for proper intonation, but that's not a problem. Annoyingly I still can't get perfect intonation the low E, but it's barely noticeable when you're playing high up on the neck - and less pitch difference than heavy handed fretting would cause anyway, especially as I've got it tuned a whole step down.
Hi @diceface long time lurker chiming in here, but it looks like your new Cabronita suffers the same problem mine did with the strings not aligning properly with the pole pieces - most noticeable on the B and E. Fender installed the wrong bridge on a big batch of the Mexican Cabronitas, and I think they only rectified it for the US version.
It might not bother you, but if it does it's a dead easy swap:
Axecaster produce a direct drop in replacement which thankfully doesn't require any extra drilling. They also do a stainless saddle version which I emailed and asked them not to 'age', so it was nice and shiny to match the rest of the hardware. They come with nice short saddle screws too, so the bridge is smooth on the hand.
The only issue I've found is I had to remove some of the springs to get the saddles far enough back for proper intonation, but that's not a problem. Annoyingly I still can't get perfect intonation the low E, but it's barely noticeable when you're playing high up on the neck - and less pitch difference than heavy handed fretting would cause anyway, especially as I've got it tuned a whole step down.
Hope that helps - enjoy it!